Merry Christmas! Its what I celebrate. If you celebrate it too, then Joyeux Noel from my pretentious kitchen to yours.
Happy Chanukkah! Its over now, but if you lit the Menorah, I hope you had eight nights filled with bliss and blintz.
Peaceful Ramadan! Yes, I get it - it was in August. But if you're Muslim, I want you to know that you're very welcome here at Done! By Drew. Also, sorry for all the pork recipes.
Joyous Kwanzaa! Just wait 'til I whip together my Sandra Lee Kwanzaa Cake! Its Afro-Tastic!
Winter Solstice! I have no idea what you crazy witches are chanting about, but whatevs. You got my vote.
The point is, I don't deal well with the insistance by "polite" Americans to call Christmas "the holiday". Its like calling Lord Voldemort "He Who Shall Not Be Named." Yes, those of us who celebrate Christmas are part of the majority here in the US. That doesn't make it bad. Assuming its the only thing anyone wants anything to do with in the entire month of December is the problem: there's more to quasi-secular Federal holidays than the Lord baby Jesus.
Anyway, thanks for reading my blog. The five of you really make my week, and I'd like to leave you with an old "holiday" favorite:
Enjoy the rest of your week. I'm in 1860's Indiana Territory this week, hence no internet access, but I'll have new posts next week when I return to the frigid Nord.
Merry Christmas to you Drew!