Monday, August 2, 2010

Zebra Ice Box Cake


y friend Lindsay recently posted about a wonderful family tradition featuring Zebra Ice Box Cake, a recipe she learned from her grandmother. A no-bake cake sounded like a perfect change of pace for me, and the recipe couldn't be simpler.

The real star of this dessert are the chocolate wafer cookies, which magically transform from crispy dunkers into moist, cakey layers.
1 pint Heavy Whipping Cream
4 T Powdered Sugar
1 t Vanilla Extract
1 pkg Chocolate Wafers
Whip the cream on high speed for 4 minutes until soft peaks form. Add sugar and vanilla, mixing another 30 seconds to 1 minute until cream is stiff (careful not to overmix, lest we make butter).

Sandwich 1/2 T of whipped cream between two wafers; repeat. Stand wafers on end and continue building a log. If you reach the edge of the platter, you'll have to find something to do with those leftover wafers...possibly something involving a cup of coffee or ice cold milk.

Spread remaining whipped cream on top and sides of the wafers. Note that I lined my platter with strips of waxed paper, which kept the platter nice and clean once the icing process was complete.

I squealed with delight upon realizing that by skimming the wafers with my spatula, I could easily achieve a birch log effect. A simple dessert that takes next to no effort AND looks like the bark of my favorite tree? Yes, please!

Notice how when sliced the contrast of the nearly black wafers against creamy white fields earn their dramatic namesake. One small slice is hardly enough.

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