Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Umbilical Cord Hat

B abies rock, and I can't wait for my friend Nicole and her husband to welcome their sweet little boy later this month. This is the Umbilical Cord hat from the book "Stitch 'N' Bitch", knitted on no. 7 circular needles.

Since learning to knit, I'm continually surprised by what a wonderful teacher experience can be. I probably heard it plainly in one of the classes I took last year, but until I made this very hat, it didn't register that stockinette stitch is knit in the round the same way as garter stitch on straight needles. For the non-knitters reading this, its like discovering that a shorter, easier, less-congested route exists on your morning commute. My road rage is already dissipating.


  1. And we love it! So, so cute. Can't wait for our little man to arrive so we can put it on him. Thanks Drew- I love that you share your talents with others!

  2. Sweet looking toque Drew! Nice work.
