Monday, August 16, 2010


T he supermarket near where I live has started placing stickers denoting which avocados are ripe. While this is awesome service (no more handling every single fruit in the produce section to find a ripe avocado!), its sad to me that the green lovelies have to arrive in my town all hard and prematurely plucked from their homes. Someday I'll live someplace warm enough to have an avocado grove. In the meantime, I've got guacamole.

1 medium lime, halved
4 ripe avocados
1 large tomato, diced
1 large clove garlic, minced
1/2 small red onion, diced
3 T canned diced jalapenos and their juice
1 t kosher salt

Ream or squeeze lime halves into large bowl; the juice will keep the avocados from oxidizing. Spoon avocados into bowl, adding tomato, garlic, onion, jalapenos and salt. Mash together with fork until avocados form a smooth paste. Serve with absolutely anything.


  1. This recipe gives me a good excuse to make guac, can't wait!

  2. In my humble opinion, tomatoes make guac delish!

  3. I can report that the recipe turned out well, so well that Nathan "enjoyed guacamole for the first time ever." I think the jalapenos rock this guac!

  4. That's what I want to hear! So glad the dish worked, especially given it was a first-time hit with Hottie.

  5. FYI, I'm sharing this recipe with Victoria peeps. It's a hit with local band teachers.
